What Are the Most Common Summer Hearing Aid Repairs?

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Summer can be a challenging time for hearing aids. The hot, humid weather causes moisture to buildup on the device and can affect its performance. But there are several common repairs that can help keep your hearing aid operating properly during the summer months. This article looks at some of the most common summer hearing aid repairs and how to avoid them in the future.

Seal Leaks

One of the most common summer hearing aid repair issues is seal leaks caused by built-up moisture inside the device due to exposure to high humidity levels. Seal leaks occur when water vapor escapes from tiny holes or gaps in the seal surrounding your hearing aid, which can cause a decrease in sound quality. Fortunately, this type of repair is relatively simple. Simply remove the hearing aid, dry it with a cloth or tissue and put it back in place. If the seal leak continues, however, you may need to replace the seals entirely.

Dry Batteries

Moisture-saturated batteries cause another common summer hearing aid repair issue. Heat and humidity can cause oxidation on the battery terminals, leading to decreased performance and sudden power outages. To prevent this from happening, be sure to check your battery every few days and replace it if necessary. Also, try to keep your hearing aids away from direct sunlight and other heat sources during the summer months.

Buildup of Dust, Debris and Cerumen

During the summer months, dust and other debris can easily accumulate on your hearing aid and block its microphone from picking up sound properly. In addition, cerumen buildup on the device can cause interference with the hearing aid’s functioning. To avoid this repair, use a soft cloth or cotton swab to wipe away any dirt and dust particles before replacing them in your ear. You should also have your hearing aids professionally cleaned at least twice yearly by an audiologist.

Wax Guard Replacement

The wax guard is a small filter located inside most hearing aids that help to keep earwax out of the device. Over time, however, the wax guard can become clogged and must be replaced. This is especially true during summer when higher humidity levels can cause more earwax buildup than usual. Your wax guard should be replaced every two months or as needed. To do this, your audiologist must remove the hearing aid, open it up and replace the wax guard with a new one.

Microphone Failure

Your hearing aid microphone can become blocked or damaged due to exposure to moisture and heat during the summer months. If this happens, you may experience a decrease in sound quality or even a complete failure. To keep this from happening, keep your hearing aids away from sources of heat and humidity, such as swimming pools and saunas. In addition, inspect your microphone regularly for signs of wear or damage and replace it if necessary.

By knowing the common summer hearing aid repairs and by following these simple tips to avoid them, you can help ensure that your hearing aid will continue to function properly throughout the hot summer months. However, if you encounter any problems with your device or notice a decrease in sound quality, contact an audiologist for assistance as soon as possible. With proper care and maintenance, you should be able to enjoy clear sound all summer long!