two professionally dressed women holding hands to ears

What are OTC Hearing Devices?

Many people experience some sort of hearing loss as they age. But not everyone is ready to get a hearing aid just yet. There are other options out there, like over-the-counter (OTC) hearing devices. In this blog post, we’re going to take a look at everything you need to know about OTC hearing aids and […]

hearing specialist discussing audiogram results with her patient

The Fascinating Journey of Sound Through Your Ears to Your Brain

The process of hearing is nothing short of miraculous. It begins with sound waves and ends with your brain interpreting those sounds into meaningful information. How does this complex journey occur? Join us as we explore this fascinating process. Capturing the Sound Waves Your outer ear, or pinna, acts as a sound collector. It captures […]

hearing loss patient holding hand to ear expressively

Discovering the Hidden Factors That Impact Your Hearing Health

When it comes to our hearing health, several key factors often take center stage. We all know about the risks of exposure to loud noise, aging, and ear infections. But, there are also other lesser-known factors that can affect your hearing. This article delves into some of these unexpected influences on your hearing health. Cardiovascular […]