Hearing Conservation in the Workplace: Best Practices and Guidelines

two professionally dressed women holding hands to ears

Preserving your hearing in the workplace is often difficult, especially when you work in a noisy environment. The sound of clanging, banging and other noises can be jarring to your ears. The only way to protect your hearing is to take action and talk with your audiologist about what the best treatment would be for you. This usually involves a few best practices. These practices can involve earplugs, earmuffs and avoiding loud noises.

Wear the Right Gear

Ensuring your safety at work involves having the right hearing protection in place. Utilizing appropriate gear like earmuffs or earplugs serves as a shield against the potential risk caused by loud noises. This practice not only prevents immediate hearing issues but also nurtures your long-term auditory health. Selecting the optimal protection tailored to your workplace noise and tasks is a key consideration. Seeking advice from an audiologist adds a personalized touch, helping you pinpoint the exact hearing protection that guarantees a secure and efficient work setting.

Keep Your Distance

During the pandemic you heard about social distancing. Well, even with social distancing rules being removed, when you work in a noisy environment it’s best to maintain this rule. Keeping your distance when it comes to noisy equipment and areas in the workplace is something you should try to achieve, if you can. Limit your time in noisy environments as much as possible. This will help to prevent damage to your hearing.

Keep Safe Volumes

When working in a noisy environment with hearing loss, prioritizing safe volume levels becomes even more crucial. Individuals with hearing loss are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of excessive noise. Wearing appropriate hearing protection, such as earmuffs or earplugs, is essential to minimize further damage. Regular breaks away from noisy areas can provide relief and reduce prolonged exposure. Communication strategies, such as using visual cues or assistive devices, should be implemented to ensure effective interactions in the workplace while maintaining safe auditory conditions.

Stick to a Schedule

Maintaining a consistent schedule for noise exposure is vital. Clear and decisive limitations should be established to limit this exposure. Understanding the specifics of how, when, where and why you encounter particular noise types within your work environment is crucial. When situations don’t demand your presence, it’s wise to distance yourself from such noise-ridden areas. Talk with your audiologist if you have been exposed to noise for long periods of time.

Protect your hearing as much as you possibly can so that you can enjoy your life. When on the job you must take the time to ensure that you are persevering your auditory health. The quality of your life is important, so keep your hearing safe when possible. Talk with your audiologist about how to best safeguard your hearing. They will be able to diagnose and provide the best treatment for you when working in a noisy environment. Whether you need hearing aids, earmuffs or earplugs.