How Technology Advances Are Transforming the Hearing Loss Landscape

senior patient holding hand to ear

Technology is constantly changing and improving many areas of our lives to help us live better, more accessible and enjoy a wide range of benefits. One such area that has benefited from technological advances in recent years is hearing loss. Hearing loss continues to be a significant health issue; there are thought to be over one billion people globally live with or experience hearing; technology advancements mean that more people can benefit from improved hearing health care and treatment options such as hearing aids to help them regain some of their hearing.

Individualized Hearing Tests

Many people are put off getting treatment for hearing loss due to the stigma stirring this health issue and, as such, live with reduced hearing levels for an average of seven years before even seeking treatment. Technology has advanced so that audiologists can provide a more personalized experience allowing patients to benefit from a more in-depth and individualized hearing test to determine the right treatment plan for them.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Assistive Technology in Hearing Aids

AI and hearing aids also allow wearers an improved experience when it comes to hearing aids. From sending data from the device to an app, you can get a better experience, know when your device needs a new battery and change the settings per your environment in real-time. It helps you get more benefits and satisfaction from wearing the devices.

Bluetooth technology, multi-directional microphones and noise management capabilities also pave the way for better hearing aid experiences. Now that devices are smaller and more discreet, wearers can comfortably wear their hearing aids without feeling self-conscious due to larger designs and bulky casings.

Rechargeable Batteries

Thanks to advancements made in this area, hearing aids no longer only rely on batteries to operate. If you have ever been worried about your hearing aid running out of power or the effect hearing aid batteries have on the environment. You can opt for a rechargeable hearing aid that you can plug in anywhere without taking batteries with you or worrying about changing batteries on the go.

Machine Learning and Hearing Aids

One of the most exciting areas of development is the application of machine learning regarding hearing aids. Simply put, machine learning is when a device learns how it is being used and applies these settings for an enhanced user experience.

For hearing aids, this means the device will learn how you wear them, the level of hearing loss you have and your day-to-day routine. This allows it to adapt on a more personalized basis to give you a better user experience. You don’t need to keep changing the settings or adjusting it to hear conversations in noisy environments; your device will analyze data and use it to ensure a seamless experience at all times.

Technology has undoubtedly made lives better in so many ways. Still, the use of new and emerging technology in hearing care is revolutionizing treatments, care and hearing aids to improve hearing and support for those living with hearing loss.