Common Myths About Ear Cleaning Debunked

side of mans head and ear

Experiencing impacted earwax is a frequent issue that many individuals encounter at some point. Fortunately, seeking assistance from an audiologist for professional ear cleaning is the most effective solution. As they will be able to remove your earwax effectively and safely. Despite the prevalence of this problem, there remains confusion surrounding earwax removal, with many misconceptions circulating. It’s crucial to dispel these myths to ensure the health of your ears. So, what are some of the most common myths?

Cotton Swabs are Fine for Ears

The belief that cotton swabs are effective for cleaning earwax is a prevalent myth. However, using cotton swabs to clean ears can actually push wax deeper into the ear canal, leading to impacted earwax and potential damage to the eardrum. Audiologists and medical professionals advise against using cotton swabs for ear cleaning. Instead, they recommend safer methods such as using over-the-counter eardrops or seeking professional ear cleaning services.

You can also use a wipe to clean the outer part of your ear, if your earwax is dispelling itself. If earwax is draining out and collects, it can be simply wiped away without any damage to your canal. By avoiding cotton swabs and adopting proper ear care techniques, individuals can maintain healthy ears.

You Can Remove Earwax Yourself

It’s easy to think that earwax is unnecessary and should be removed whenever you feel it in your ear. However, earwax is created to keep the ears safe and will move from the outer ear to the outside in the days after it forms. If you try to remove the earwax yourself, you could end up pushing it deeper into your ear. This can cause it to become impacted and turn into a long-term problem, causing temporary hearing loss.

If You Wash Your Ears, No Wax Will Form

Washing your ears with water tends to occur during showering as the flow falls over your head and shoulders; this is fine and tends to be harmless. However, allowing water to wash out your ears does not mean wax will no longer form. Wax will always form in order to keep your ears safe.

Ear Cleaning is Uncomfortable

This is one of the most pervasive myths an audiologist must deal with. There is a very common idea that getting your ears cleaned professionally will be uncomfortable, and that you don’t want to schedule an appointment until you absolutely have to. However, you should see an audiologist if you need your ears clean. They have the right tools and can remove the wax safely.

Professional ear cleanings take care of an earwax blockage with little to no hassle. They are incredibly effective in cleaning the ear canal and ensuring you can hear as well as possible going forward. They’re also minimally invasive and aren’t uncomfortable in any way.

If you think you’re dealing with an earwax buildup, get your ears cleaned professionally. This is a safe and effective solution to cleaning your ears. If you have questions or concerns, contact an audiologist. They will answer any questions you have about professional ear cleanings.